Hello everyone...this is Justin. Normally Sally writes these posts, but since I've been at home sick for the past few days, I have a good bit of free time (outside of the endless list of web sites I have to work on). This past Saturday, Sally and I went to the movies with her parents and brother. Sally and her parents went and saw Blind Side while Stan and I went and saw Avatar (which was pretty good except for the fact that it was rather long). Well, by the time we got home from the theater, I was not feeling well at all. I had a fever and was feeling really tired. Turned out I had the flu.
Now, most of the time, the flu is a not fun at all. This was still totally true for me. I would probably pay a good bit of money to not experience it ever again. However, despite how not fun it was, having a wonderful wife like Sally to take care of me made it a million times easier. Whether it was refilling my water bottle or taking my temperature for the 50th time or going to Walgreen's to get me medicine or Gatorade - she gave her all and made sacrifices for me that I know helped speed the process of me getting well.
So thanks Sal! I just want you to know that I love you and am very thankful to have a wife like you! And I hope that whenever you need me to be there for you when you are sick, I will do as good as a job as you!!