Monday, August 30, 2010

Small Group Leader Retreat!

This past weekend Justin and I, along with 16 other people from our church, went on a college small group leader retreat in Hattiesburg/Seminary, MS. We stayed in a cabin and spent a lot of time bonding and developing the new curriculum for the college small groups. Last year we hosted a college group and had a great time opening our home to the freshmen guys. This year we will be leading a college small group. We are both very excited about this year's college small groups.

After the work, we ate lunch and cleaned the house, packed up and headed to the Okatoma for some kayaking. I have to say that I was a little nervous about kayaking. I had never done it before. I didn't want to flip and didn't want to see any snakes. Well, I didn't flip but I did see two snakes. I am happy to report that no one was injured during our trip. Please enjoy just a few of the pictures that were taken.
Also as you read this, please pray for the Pinelake College Ministry as we start a new year with our students.

Riding to the river
We are all soaked b/c of the rain the from jumping into the river. It was a very cold and wet day.

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