Monday, January 31, 2011

2011 Resolution Update

Janurary is just about over, so I felt as though it would be an appropriate time for a New Year's resolution update. My thought behind the update is mainly to hold myself accountable. Since I put the resolutions out there for all to read, I owe it to you to let you know how things are going. Don't worry I won't be giving updates each month - at this point I just wanted to see if I could keep my resolutions for at least one month.

This year I put a lot of consideration into my resolutions. You can read more about that here.

One month in, I think I'm still going strong.
  1. Read at least 12 books in 2011 - I have read two books already only 10 more to go. (I don't think will be reading 2 books every month, I am just eager this month)
  2. Read through the entire Bible - Our church has a reading guide to help with this and it is keeping me on track.
  3. Make the bed every day - Justin and I have made our bed everyday!! It has now become part of our morning routine and I love walking into the room with the bed made. I feel like the room looks cleaner when the bed is made.
  4. Blog at least once a week - As many of you know I have been blogging 3 times a week. My resolution was to blog at least once a week so I am still going strong. However, as much consideration I have decided to scale back and only blog once or twice and week. This way I will be able to put more time and thought to each post I make.
  5. Like always, workout/eat better - I have been working out at least 3 days a week. I am also planning on running a 10K at the end of April. I have been cooking healthy recipes and taking multi-vitamins. This will be the one resolution that will give me the most trouble.
How are you doing with your resolutions? It's never too late to start making life changes.


  1. Sounds like you are coming along nicely with your resolutions. I didnt make any this year!

    I have TOTALLY noticed you are blogging more and I love it!!!

    It took me forever to get into the habit of taking my vitamins!! Take fish oil too!!

  2. Sally, very inspiring! Looks like you and Justin are doing great with keeping up with your resolutions! I too have resolved to follow Pinelake's guide to reading through the Bible in a year. Its only Feb and I have a lot of catching up to do! I'm also trying this whole "blogging" thing out. So far its been so fun! I have also resolved to take some steps to get my name out there for my art (sounds so weird!) and am going to do some arts/crafts shows this Spring. AND I wanted to do another mission trip so...I applied for the South Africa trip in June! I'm so excited to see Kristin! Anyway, good luck with everything--see you at Bunko next week:-)
